Your mind can either make things better or worse.
When Debbie Hampton took the mix of wine and drugs that nearly killed her, she didn’t ever want to wake up. After years of depression and wrong turns and facing the ugly split of an 18-year marriage, she was desperate for the disappointments of life to end.
But Debbie did wake up.
After the final chapter, I closed the book feeling like I had been taken on a gut-wrenching, heroic journey by a brutally honest and at the same time generously loving soul.
- Kat Tansey, Author of Choosing To Be: Lessons From a Feline Zen Master
About the Book
On the outside, Debbie Hampton appeared to have everything going for her but felt empty and inadequate on the inside. After taking care of her brother as he wasted away and died of AIDs, the end of her marriage to her high school sweetheart in a Divorce Court-ugly split, years of wrong turns, things not working out, and being flat-out disappointed with life, she swallowed handful after handful of pills.
The drugs went all of the through her system wreaking destruction before she was found. After a week in a coma, Debbie woke up to a very different world with a serious brain injury. Her ex-husband sued her for custody of their two sons, won, and promptly moved out of state with them. And she thought things were bad before!?
This intimately honest, witty, and wise book is the story of how she got to and climbed back from that rock bottom place to not only survive but thrive.

Pain, trauma, and adversity can be weapons of self-destruction or opportunities for growth depending on how we respond to and use them.
-Debbie Hampton
“The most honest, gut-wrenching, let-it-all-hang-out story of one woman’s journey that I have ever read. I made myself read it in four days, but secretly I could hardly put it down and almost read it one day. Debbie shares everything – and I mean everything – about her life, loves, family, why she attempted suicide (more than once), and her courageous and brilliant recovery process. This dear woman is a hero, a warrior, a beautiful soul who has the (fill in the blank) to share her painful story with the world – not to gain but to help others just like me. Those of us who almost pulled the trigger, swallowed the pills, wrote our goodbye letters, etc.. This incredible story should be made into a movie – and it would probably win an Oscar for Best Picture…(to be continued – I hope). Please buy this book, read this book, and share with anyone who may be wrestling with depression. It truly will be a and an encouragement to anyone who reads her incredible book.”
— Greg Harper

“A true story of triumph over mental illness and depression, Debbie bares her soul and shares all the dirty details. What appears to be a charmed life that most people would envy was, in reality, a driving force to an almost fatal suicide attempt. Debbie recovers from this life-changing low and shares her wisdom, strength, and hope with us.” — Angie
“I found the depth of courage that Debbie displayed, to help me as a reader feel the extent of her experience, to be inspiring. Understanding all of the dimensions of her life – good and bad – elevated the potential she aspired to in retraining her brain and getting her life back. Her story is gripping, inspiring and ultimately a miracle.” — Patricia

“I absolutely loved this book! It is one of those books that I was gutted when it came to an end. Debbie writes with both humor and compassion and, as a fellow brain injury survivor, I found myself recognizing situations and emotions that Debbie writes about. I also found the book to be both comforting and uplifting as Debbie tells of her road to recovery, which gave me hope and determination to continue to strive towards a complete recovery. I recommend this book wholeheartedly.” — Kate
“A compelling story of one woman’s journey, like a Phoenix, put through the fire and beautifully transformed!” — Carmen